Saturday, November 30, 2019

Polish Culture.Doc Essay Example

Polish Culture.Doc Essay The Family cultures tend to be hierarchical and power-oriented. Furthermore, they are high context and the relationship Is diffuse. * The Eiffel Tower cultures are role-oriented, the rules and procedures are clear and very strict. What Is more. Order and predictability are very important. (Trampers and Williams, 2003). * The Guided Missile cultures tend to be task-oriented and low centralized. Achievement and effectiveness are weighed above the demands of authority, procedures, or people (ibid). This culture is individualistic, people often change teams and tasks ND are very enthusiastic about their work. * The Incubator cultures are highly individualistic, flexible with commitment to oneself and professional recognition (ibid). This culture is person-oriented. 2. 3. 1. Relationship with others Second set of dimensions outlined by Trampers is mainly based on people s relationships with each other and includes: 1. Universalism 2. Specific 3. Individualism 4. Achievement 5. Neutral Particulars Defuse relationships Collectivism Ascription Affective Relationships 3. Analysis of Polish culture 4. 2. Introduction unfortunately there are no clear evidence showing the affinity of the Polish culture to any of the dimensions mentioned above and therefore the following analysis will be mostly based on my personal experience and supported by additional data. 1 . 3. 4. 1. 4. 2. Corporate Culture It could be suggested that Poland is a Family Culture with some features centralists Tort ten I lower cultures. We will write a custom essay sample on Polish Culture.Doc specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Polish Culture.Doc specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Polish Culture.Doc specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hearst all tenure Is a clear annularly In most of the Polish companies as well as in families, typical for the Eiffel Tower cultures. It is usual in Polish schools to emphasize the importance of parents in their childrens education. For example I remember my parents receiving congratulation letter for my personal achievements. 4. 3. Relationship with others To move on to the second set of dimensions distinguished by Trampers I assume that Poles tend to be more particularistic. It means that they often put relationships above rules and regulations. This dimension is common amongst rural (catholic) cultures like Poland. For example Polish president, Lech Sacking, has recently forgiven a group of young people who murdered a man tormenting local citizens. It shows that Poland has deep-rooted particularistic. On the other hand, I have observed an increasing popularity in contract signing recently which is characteristic for universalistic cultures. Secondly, Poles tend to be more diffuse in relationships, which means that they often link work with private lives. Use of titles is obligatory, calling someone older by his/her first name is often seen as an insult. Thirdly, based on my personal experience I would say that Polish citizens tend to be more individualistic. As Trampers suggested 74 % of Polish interviewee preferred to be left alone to get the Job done. Personally, I feel more motivated working on my own and often receive better results. It may be surprising that a previously communist country, where collectivism was the main philosophy has changed so dramatically. In my opinion Poles were not able to communicate their authentic values and behaviors and were perceived through the eyes of its invaders. Moreover, Polish culture characterizes ascription. The status depends on age, gender and social position. Poles often use titles and value hierarchy. For example almost every application form in Poland requires specific address titles such as doctor, professor and engineer. On the other hand, I would say that young generation is becoming ore achievable, which means that they prefer to be valued by what they do instead of who they are. Apart from that Poland is certainly an affective culture, a culture where expressing emotions is perceived as a norm . According to Wickerworks and Karakas 85 % of interviewee answered that emotions should be expressed immediately by verbal and non-verbal communication. Interrupting each other in Poland is sometimes perceived as a sign of interest. 4. 4. Working with different cultures To move on, I think that it is always difficult to work with people from different ultras, especially if you do not know them well. First of all, Japan is a neutral and collectivist culture with high Power-Distance and therefore it may cause some significant problems for Poles to work effectively with Japanese. Personally, I find silence very frustrating and often feel ignored by Japanese people. Apart from that, I expect people to present and exchange ideas, however Japanese cultures tend to listen and do not interact with others. Moreover, France is a specific culture in contrast to Poland, more collectivist and achievable which may also bring about some difficulties in cooperation .

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Earl Warren William Rehnquist

Earl Warren William Rehnquist Earl Warren served as a US chief Justice in the Supreme Court between 1953 and 1969. During his tenure, the Supreme Court is on the record for having used judicial review as a scrutiny tool, which was later used to overturn statutes that had been put in place by either state or federal courts. After overturning the statutes, the Warren Court would then apply the bill of rights in deciding the cases.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Earl Warren William Rehnquist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Belknap Warren (2005), the Warren court revolutionized criminal procedure at a time when the justice system in America had taken on a precedent that seemed to favor a few wealthy individuals hence neglecting the poor and less-knowledgeable people in the society. It is under Warren’s reign that the fourth amendment and the Fifth Amendment were for the first time used to extend the rights of individual citize ns and at the same time curtail police powers. Rehnquist on the other hand was nominated as chief Justice by Ronald Reagan in 1986. He served for 11 years, during which some critics note that there was no significant changes in the courts. Notably however, Rehnquist was more conservative and believed that the judiciary should let justice take its course by ‘meddling’ less in cases (Plotz, 1998). Unlike the Warren court however, the Rehnquist court is accused of having weakened the use of Miranda rights in prosecutions, and granting police officers more leeway to conduct searches without obtaining search warrants. Plotz (1998) further accuses Rehnquist of being more conservative on racial crimes. However, he is credited for having presided over major decisions which involved allowing free speech on the web, giving gay people their rights and abortion rights. During his tenure, Rehnquist is said to have ensure that the Supreme Court handled less cases than was previously the case (Plotz, 1998). This paper discusses some of the decision by the two Chief Justices, which impacted the American Justice system and continues to have effect on the same to date. Earl Warren As discussed in the introductory part, the Warren court went down in history as the first court to extend the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments in order to give Americans more rights, while minimizing the powers of the police.Advertising Looking for essay on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Kamisar (2005), no other chief justice had a background in law enforcement like Warren having served as a deputy district attorney in the 1920’s, and later as the head of attorney’s office in Alameda County for thirteen years. After that he had been appointed the attorney general in 1939 and served in that capacity until 1942. This suggests that the critics who accused him of failing to grasp the intensity of his courts decisions were wrong. In Gideon v. Wainright, the Warren court ruled that defendants accused of felonies also had the right to state counsel. Prior to this case however, some states had laws that required all accused people (whether charged of capital or non-capital offences) to be provided with counsel. Some states however did not have such a rule and often provided counsel for defendants charged with capital offences. In such states, Kamisar (2005) notes that the sixth amendment was not of much help to defendants. In two later cases (Douglas v California Griffin v Illinois), the Warren Court further stated that every defendant had a right to counsel, and further ruled that those whose cases were in the court of appeal had a right to free transcripts (Bradley, 2005). Warren’s argument for demanding counsel for all defendants was that without proper legal advice and representation, the defendant may be denied other constitutional rights such as pretr ial rights and the requirement for â€Å"proof beyond any reasonable doubt† (Bradley, 2005, p. 429). In Upholding Miranda rights, Warren is quoted as saying â€Å"the abhorrence of society to the use of involuntary confessions turns in part of the deep rooted feeling that the police must obey the law while enforcing the law† (Kamisar, 2005, p. 23). To this end, Warren had urged the law enforcers to uphold fairness when handling people because he believed that handling people politely and intelligently would make them more cooperative towards an investigation. According to Kamisar (2005), analysts observe that the need to streamline law enforcement and civil liberties by chief justice Warren was mainly as a result of his participation and contribution in the criminal justice system where he had earlier worked as an interrogator and also as a prosecutor. His opinion of Miranda for example thought to have borrowed largely from his understanding of the shift of balance bet ween an isolated suspect and competent and well prepared law enforcement authorities. William Rehnquist Rehnquist was more conservative than Warren and though it was expected that he and his predecessor Warren E. Burger would overrule some of the controversial rulings of the Warren court, none of them did. Rehnquist for example upheld Warren’s precedent which indicated that the federal constitutions should be able to guarantee defendants of their fundamental rights during trial (Bradley, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Earl Warren William Rehnquist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A case in point was Crane v Kentucky, where Rehnquist supported a court decision that had ruled that the defendant had a right to introduce evidence on circumstances that led to his/her confession, if that evidence was intended to show that the confession was not worth believing or using during the court ruling. According to Bradley (2005), the fact that Rehnquist upheld the ruling of the Warren court and even extending court rulings to provide the defendant with basic trial rights, means that he was not the â€Å"knee jerk conservative† that most people thought he would be when dealing with criminal procedure (p. 432). Notably however, it looks like the Warren court was more willing to consider the rights of the defendant against those of the state, something that was not popular in the Rehnquist court. According to Bradley (2005), Rehnquist was always willing to â€Å"weigh the interests if the state in convincing the guilty against the interests if the defendant and to try to reach a conclusion that comforts with his understanding of the constitution† (p. 432). During a ruling in Illinois v Gates, Rehnquist stated that the constitution suggests that judges should be balanced in their judgment rather leaning on one side. As such, the Chief Justice stated that judges should learn to bala nce claims of individual rights as guaranteed in the constitution and should hence refrain from going to both extremes (Upholding individual rights or allowing claims filed by government authorities to be admissible in a trial), saying that the holding a balance between the two is the noblest thing the court can do. While the Warren court was always in favor of the defendant especially in cases where the investigating officers use information obtained regarding the case from the defendant without upholding the defendant’s rights, Rehnquist believed that the exclusionary rule imposed a burden on the same fourth amendment values it sought to protect (Bradley, 2005). In his arguments, Rehnquist states that evidence should not be suppressed during a trial and neither should a ruling be reversed on the basis that evidence used during the trial was not suppressed.Advertising Looking for essay on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In Dunaway v New York, Rehnquist wrote a dissent against the 6-2 ruling that had stated that picking someone for questioning, was in real sense arresting the person regardless the names or words that police used to describe the same. It had been ruled that such was illegal especially where there was no probable cause. Rehnquist however dissented arguing that though the detainment that occurs during such incidences could be defined as an arrest, the â€Å"arrest† definition should not be applied on all cases including where a suspect accompanies the police for questioning voluntarily. In a 1987 ruling in Colorado v Bertine, the defendant argued that narcotics found in a backpack during a search in his impounded vehicle should be suppressed because the police did not have a warrant to search the contents of the bag and should instead have noted the backpack in the inventory. According to the defendant, the warrantless search of the backpack contravened provisions of the fourth amendment. Making a ruling in this case, Rehnquist stated that the police had conducted the search in good faith and had hence satisfied the provisions of the fourth amendment. Through this ruling, Rehnquist discounted the likelihood that police had violated the rights of the defendant especially because there seemed to be little evidence that police had engaged in misconduct during the search. According to McCall, M McCall, A (2006), however, this was just a case of playing a blind eye to the police conduct especially because policemen were governed by policies that regulated how closed containers should be handled during a search. Effects on Law Enforcement As mentioned elsewhere in this essay, the Warren court was more proactive in upholding civil liberties to the extent that critics accused the court of taking criminal matters too lightly. Among his major critics was Rehnquist who on assuming the Chief Justice office, did nothing much to overrule the warren court rulings as man y would have expected. The effects of decisions of the Supreme Court on law enforcement cannot be understated. Not only were police departments required to come up with policy documents to regulate the conduct of the officers on duty, but the citizenry too became more aware of their rights. Conclusion To date, the Supreme Court borrows from precedents set by the Warren and Rehnquist courts among others on deliberating on issues that come before it. Currently however, the judges have to consider emerging threats such as terrorism and the emergence of wide spread use of technology while deciding on how best to balance civil liberties and law enforcement. The new challenges has given rise to the recent but highly contentious Patriotic Act that was enacted soon after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack (Gale, 2007). Though initially intended for anti-terrorism intelligence gathering, critics’ state that the Patriotic act has been extended to normal investigations often leadin g law enforcers to ignore the need for search warrant when investigating people and in some cases, outright infringement of a person’s privacy. References Belknap, M.R Warren, E. (2005). The Supreme Court under Earl Warren, 1953-1969. S. Carolina: University of South Carolina Press. Bradley, C. M. (2005). The Rehnquist court in criminal procedure. 425-456. Web. Gale, E. S. (2007). Balancing civil liberties with the need for effective investigation. 1-19. Web. Kamisar, Y. (2005). How Earl Warren’s Twenty-two years in Law enforcement affected his work as chief justice. Ohio State Journal of criminal Law 3(11): 11-33. McCall, M.M. McCall, M. A. (2005). Chief Justice William Rehnquist: His law and order legacy and impact on criminal justice. Akron Law Review 39(323):311-372. Plotz, D. (1998). Chief Justice William Regnquist: Mr. efficiency. Slate. Web.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Meet a Member of Congress Face-To-Face

How to Meet a Member of Congress Face-To-Face While more difficult than sending them a letter, visiting your Members of Congress, or their staff, face-to-face is the most effective way to actually influence them. According to the 2011 Congressional Management Foundation’s report Perceptions of Citizen Advocacy on Capitol Hill, personal visits by constituents to the Washington or district or state offices of members of Congress have â€Å"some† or â€Å"a lot† of influence on undecided legislators, more than any other strategy for communicating with them.  A 2013 CMF survey found that 95% of the Representatives surveyed rated â€Å"staying in touch with constituents† as the most critical aspect of being effective legislators. Identify Your Members of Congress It is always best to meet with the Senators and Representatives who represent your state or local congressional district.Find your U.S. Representative based on your zip code.Find your U.S. Senators based on your state. Individuals and groups can arrange personal meetings with Senators and Representatives either in their Washington offices or in their local offices at various times during the year. To find out when your Senator or Representative will be in their local office, you can: call their local office, check their website (House) (Senate), get on their mailing list. Whether you arrange to meet with your elected officials in Washington or their local offices, here are some rules to follow: Make an Appointment This is just common sense and courtesy. All Congressional offices in Washington require a written appointment request. Some Members do offer walk-in meeting times in their local offices, but an appointment request is still highly recommended. Appointment requests can be mailed, but faxing them will get a faster response. Members contact information, phone and fax numbers can be found on their websites   The appointment request should be short and simple. Consider using the following template: [Your Address] [Date]The Honorable [full name] U.S. Senate (or U.S. House of Representatives) Washington, DC 20510 (20515 for House)Dear Senator (or Representative) [last name]:I am writing to request an appointment with you on [date]. I am a member of the [your group, if any] in [your city], and Im concerned about [issue].I realize that your schedule is difficult to project at this point, but it would be ideal if we could meet between [time] and [time].I believe [issue] is important because [1-2 sentences].My home address is [address]. I can also be reached by phone at [phone number] or email at [email address]. I will contact your office during the week of [1-2 weeks before the visit] to confirm the details of the appointment.Thank you for considering my request to meet with you.Sincerely,[name] Prepare for the Meeting Plan to discuss no more than two issues. Meetings are scheduled to last from 15- to 45-minutes.Learn everything you can about your issue.Learn everything you can about points in opposition to your standpoint and be ready to argue against them.Identify and be ready to discuss any key data points that support your argument.If you have any supporting handouts, charts or graphics, bring them with you. Consider taking extra copies in case staff members request them. At the Meeting Arrive about 10 minutes before the appointment time. At least, be on time. Dress neatly and conservatively. Be courteous and respectful. Relax.Do not be upset if you end up meeting with the legislators staff. They are often more knowledgeable of individual issues than the legislators themselves, and they WILL inform the legislator of your views and requests.Introduce yourself to the legislator or their staff members: tell them who you are and where you live. Warm them up: Try to start by complimenting something the legislator has done recently; their vote on an issue, a bill they sponsored, etc. After a minute or two of such small talk, state your standpoint on the issue(s) you came to discuss. No matter how passionately you feel about the issue, do not rant-and-rave. Nothing diminishes your credibility more than an in your face demeanor. Tip: The lawmakers know you pay their salary.Be ready to answer questions and discuss your points in detail.In the conversation, focus exclusively on how the issues you are addressing affect your state or local congressional district. Explain how your issues will impact specific population groups, businesses, or the economy of your state or community. If the legislator disagrees with you, stand up for yourself, debate the issues, but do not become over-argumentative. Keep trying to emphasize the positives of your standpoint. Always try to end the conversation on a positive note.Close the meeting with a clear â€Å"Ask.† Members of Congress respond best to clear, specific requests. For example, you might ask that they vote for or against a piece of legislation or introduce legislation to address your issues.   General Meeting Tips Don’t be nervous. Speak naturally and confidently. Arrive on time and be considerate of your member’s time constraints and their staff’s time. Always be courteous and concise in presenting your points and request. After the Meeting Always send a follow-up letter or fax thanking your legislator or staff members. Also include any additional information you may have offered to provide in support of your issue. The follow-up message is important, because it confirms your commitment to your cause and helps build a valuable relationship between you and your representative. Town Halls In addition to individual meetings with their constituents, members of Congress hold local public â€Å"town hall† meetings at various times during the year. At these town halls, constituents can ask questions and give feedback to their members. Locations, dates, and times of town hall meetings can be found on the members’ websites.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reaction paper to the article The Role of Children in the Design of Essay

Reaction paper to the article The Role of Children in the Design of New Technology - Essay Example Is this was Druin proposes three main roles for children in the design process. Specifically these involve: user, tester, informant, and design partner. In this way children are tasked with becoming directly involved in the design process through engaging with the games and providing feedback. At later stages in the development they are tasked with actually giving advice to the designers about how the technology or game could be changed. The research then gives expansive consideration to the specific processes within these stages. A considerable amount of past research is advanced that considers how child-design interactions have been advanced in the past. Eventually the researchers advance the notion of cooperative inquiry. This aspect of the collaborative framework articulates how the child can best be utilized to gain insights on the design process. During the article’s conclusion the researchers establish a graph that articulates the historical evolution of human-computer interaction (HCI). This demonstrates that children have increasingly been given the opportunity to provide their insight into the design process. There are a number of considerations related to this article. One of the most prominent considerations is that the divisions the author establishes -- user, tester, informant, design partner – are highly simplistic in nature. In this way they constitute less an innovative framework and more a way of articulating common sense ways of engaging with children. While the author advances a number of research on the subject, in many instances this past research does not form a functional gestalt. Instead, it merely offers disparate ways that children have been used in the design process. Still, the researcher’s perspective on cooperative inquiry is effective in that it provides a structured process that can be used for a large variety of applications. In this way the researchers argue that the child and adult collaboration

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Motivation in a Banking System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Motivation in a Banking System - Essay Example Is there any difference between the attitude and satisfaction of male and female staff or that both of the sexes are taken care of while formulating the policy for the bank. A detailed study of the employees of banks has been made covering both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the motivation in the banking system. Anything unusual or any negative response which has come to the attention of the researcher has been very critically analyzed and carefully reviewed while making conclusions upon them. while conducting a detailed study on the motivation of employees in the banking system a lot of factors have come to the attention of the researcher that define the reason for the employees to banks to get and remain motivated at their work place. In this study a detailed study and analysis has been made of one of the most famous and leading bank in the banking industry and it has been seen tat how the motivational factors in that particular bank effect the employees of the banks and how those banks have successfully implemented those motivational factors and strategies in the their banks. What is the performance of the banks when its employees are thoroughly motivated and stress free How their basic needs and wants are taken care of. What are the reasons that they are provided with all of those facilities that have provided them with an opportunity both to excel themselves at their work place and at the same time take their organization to the level where it can be recognized as the leading banking organization in the banking industry The example which has been taken in the industry has that of the Standard Chartered Bank. A detailed study and discussion of the motivational theories applying to this banking organization has been made due to the fact that this bank has its presence in most of the countries of the world covering the countries of both developed and developing world. Therefore, it has vast culture of people working for it in different countries of the world. Standard chartered Bank has an immense amount of experience in managing those people and in motivating them so that they continue to perform better for the sake of their future and for the future of their organization. Literature Review Motivation of employees at the work place is considered to be an essential paradigm in determining the professional growth and in attaining performance development among the employees of the company. Motivation is considered to be a driving force behind the better performance and target achievement of employees in any organization. Motivation is the reason that the attitude of the employee is changed at the work place for I can't do it to I can do it because I have done it attitude. This can be achieved through various actions of the management and peers at the working place. This working paper focuses on the motivation of employees working in the banking sector and discusses how the employees of banks from managers to lower level staff are kept motivated in the big and small organizations alike for the achievement of better results for the organization. Motivation as it applies to all the organizations also applies to the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tortilla Curtain by U.S. author T.C. Boyle Essay Example for Free

Tortilla Curtain by U.S. author T.C. Boyle Essay The American Dream is defined in many ways in both of these works of literature.   What is the American Dream?   It is the idea that with hard work anyone can succeed in this country.   Succeeding is mostly defined in materialistic terms, like having a house in the suburbs, a new car, etc.   The American Dream is also about being able to support a family in a more-than-basic way.   It may also be defined as living a fulfilling life but of course, one needs a little money to do even that.   In Boyle’s Tortilla Curtain, the American Dream is shown as absolutely unattainable to some people, chiefly illegal immigrants, unless they are willing to break the law.   In the movie Crash, the viewer sees examples of people who â€Å"make it† as well as people who don’t, and even some people who are in between.   However, in both these pieces, characters must struggle and work hard for even a chance at the American Dream.   But the question remains, â€Å"why is the American Dream attainable for some and not for others?†Ã‚   Overall, the idea of the American Dream is shown as a myth or illusion for most people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The American Dream exists in many ways in this movie.   In Crash, the viewer is shown a successful character like the Latino man named Daniel.   Daniel lives in a small house, but it is his house.   He lives with his wife and daughter.   He works hard every day, and while he will never be rich like Jean, he is able to survive and to sustain his family.   The viewer would not exactly view him as a success story because there probably isn’t much money left over at the end of each month.   However, the viewer recognizes that Daniel has what is truly important in life and is â€Å"making it† even thought that might be day by day. On the other hand, the Persian man who owns the shop is unable to attain the American Dream.   Or rather, he is on his way when the shop is destroyed by vandals.   With the insurance company refusing to pay, he has lost everything.   Due to the fact that he has been ripped off before in America, he does not believe Daniel when he is told to get a new lock.   Therefore, he essentially loses his business.   Both of these characters must struggle through stereotypes and prejudice and racism on a daily basis to even have a chance at the American Dream.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now, Jean’s character in Crash shows another side of the American Dream.   She really has the plush lifestyle that most people would think of when defining the American Dream.   She has the beautiful house, the cars, the maid, the manicured lawn, the glitzy clothes and jewelry, etc.   She is clearly unhappy.   All of the material possessions have not made her happier; they have possibly made her miserable.   She has no friends, no one she can really count on.   for most of the movie, she is a hated character, and yet she is someone who lives the American Dream. The viewer does not know whether the couple has earned all this money or inherited some, but the viewer sees Jean’s character basically doing nothing.   She does not work while Daniel and Farad struggle daily to make a life for their families.   Clearly, Crash says that the dream is not attainable for everyone no matter how hard they work.   Neither one of them is lazy characters at all and still, life is a struggle.   But those who have the â€Å"life† want to protect it and protect themselves against those who don’t.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Crash, there are those who sort of live the dream outside the boundaries of the law.   The viewer assumes that Ken Ho lives the dream.   he is an immigrant who has â€Å"made it† in America.   But how has he done this?   He traffics human beings. He completely compromises any values that he had in order to make money.  Ã‚   Ludicirs and Anthony sort of live the dream although they always must stay one step ahead of the police in order to keep what they have.   They steal cars which earns them money to buy nice things.   These characters show the American Dream gone awry.   However, there is a reality here as well.   Many people in this country feel that the Dream is unattainable to them any other way than breaking the law.   So, they break the law in order to get the things that others already have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basically the movie Crash shows the viewer situation after situation where people struggle to live the dream and that is exactly what it is for most people, a daily struggle.   To get to the top is hard enough, but to stay there is nearly impossible.   And it isn’t about hard work at all.   being a hard worker guarantees nothing in this life.   It doesn’t guarantee that a person will ever get anywhere financially.   It doesn’t guarantee that someone who hasn’t worked at all won’t take your life away from you suddenly.   It doesn’t even guarantee that a person will have a place to live or money to buy food no matter how hard he/she works.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This brings us directly to Boyle’s Tortilla Curtain, which is yet another name for the border between the United States and Mexico.   In Tortilla Curtain the dichotomy between rich and poor is shown quite clearly.   Kyra Menaker-Mossbader and her husband and son have the American Dream.   They live in an exclusive housing development called Arroyo Blanco Estates and seem to have all the luxuries of life.   below their house, Candido and America Rincon live.   They came to America illegally from Mexico in order to maintain the American Dream.   they find that no matter how hard they work, they simply cannot attain the Dream.   In fact, they cannot gain enough money to live any semblance of a decent life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Rincon’s come to the United States illegally to work for a better life.   The Rincon’s truly believe that in American society â€Å"everyone, even the poorest [has] a car, a house, and a TV† (26).   They do not understand that even Americans are poor; that is why America is so upset when she meets Mary at the labor exchange.   If citizens of this country cannot achieve the American Dream, where does that leave her family?   Throughout this book, America will come to believe that her whole idea was noting but an illusion, an illusion that will not be met. They have already reduced their living standards to the bare minimum and are barely scraping by.   While America is pregnant, she has had to camp out in the open air with no clean water or any sort of sanitation system.   This couple has no health insurance for the birth of their baby, nor do they have prospects in getting a job in order to obtain and maintain this health insurance.   They work as day laborers until they can’t even find work at all.   America is like many others.   She dreams of the United States we typically see in the movies.   She would like a â€Å"clean white house† with some modern amenities and a little yard.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like some of the character in Crash, America commits a crime, although on a much lesser scale.   She steals fruit from a garden.   She has never before committed a crime.   But the desperateness of seeing those around her thrive while she struggles to eat is too much.   Sadly, also like many of the characters in Crash, they are also unable to defend themselves from attacks.   They are out in the open air and have a hard time with the language.   First, some kids smash up their camp for fun.   Then America is raped.   They go to the city where Candido is robbed, and they eat garbage to survive.   They return to their campsite in the valley and things are looking up until Candido accidentally sets the whole valley on fire.   Their savings are burned up, and they must start over once again.   Their daughter is born blind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kyra Mossbacher and her family have achieved the American Dream.   Have they worked harder than the Rincon family to achieve this dream.   The reader can clearly see that they have not.   It is simply that the dream is open to this family and closed to others.   Kyra Mossbacher has a dream of possessing even more.   she wants the Da Ros place which is a huge mansion â€Å"in the style of an English manor house, comprising eleven thousand square of living space† (222).   Kyra must replace her â€Å"dream† after this place is destroyed by fire.   they live a charmed life with their young son and their pets.   They are sheltered from the cruel realities of what many others face in this life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While Delaney calls himself a â€Å"liberal humanist† (3), he has some chance encounters with Mexicans that slowly turn him into a racist. First, he runs into Candido with his car.   he is guilty at first and then angry at this illegal for being in the road.   Finally he hands him a $20 and calls it even.  Ã‚   Apparently this is what an illegal immigrant’s life is worth, $20.   As other things happen, Delaney become angrier at Mexican illegals.   First, a coyote takes his dog.   then his Acura is stolen by thieves. His neighborhood also becomes angry and begins to wall in his community.   they are protecting their American Dream, but in doing so, they are stopping others from attainting this dream.     Ironically, the people building these fences are the illegal immigrants themselves, like Candida and his friends.   Kyra’s lobbying closes the labor exchange.   he wants vengeance on Candido.   He goes to the campsite with a gun and a mudslide starts.   While Delaney saves Candido, the baby drowns.   The tragedy in the end of this book is beyond compare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What the movie Crash and the book Tortilla Curtain teach the reader is that there are no easy answers.   Illegal immigration is not rationalized or approved of in any way, and yet, these people need to survive.   We all fight for the American dream, and we all want to protect ourselves against people who want to take from us.   That is human nature.   In Crash, the idea is that we crash into people because we are so starved for human touch.   Therefore, we have these chance encounters with people we never would have met otherwise; some of them are good and some are bad.   The average person struggles everyday and life isn’t easy. There is no such thing as equal opportunity in this country and hard work is not even remotely close to all that is necessary to achieve the American Dream.   In Tortilla Curtain, the same kinds of lessons are taught.   Delaney and Candido meet quite literally in a â€Å"crash† scene, and Delaney describes himself as a liberal until he starts to fear those trying to get a piece of their own dream by disrupting his.   Then, he fights back.   It isn’t America and Candido’s fault because they want to make a better life for themselves and their baby, and it isn’t really Delaney’s fault because he wants to keep the life he has.   The story ends about as tragically as one could.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both of these pieces tell the reader/viewer something about empathy.   Maybe if everyone could try just a little harder to understand the stories of others, to understand where others are coming from, we could solve some of our problems.  Ã‚   Everyone wants the same things in the end.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Photovoltaic and passive solar design :: Essays Papers

Photovoltaic and passive solar design The sun is an infinite source of energy for our planet. In 1839 Edmund Becquerel, a French experimental physicist, discovered the photovoltaic effect while experimenting with an electrolytic cell made up of two metal electrodes. His Discovery was never taken to a commercial level until 1950 when silicon was used in semiconductors. In 1973 there was a oil crises in the U.S. and it created huge public awareness about the limited resource of fossil fuels, and led to the emerging market of solar photovoltaic technologies. This awareness was heightened even more by nuclear accidents like Three Mile Island in 1979. There are many different kinds of PV cells but all cells are made from silicon and have no moving parts. They convert light photons into moving electrons, which creates electricity. There are three major types of PV cells that have been developed in Germany, United Kingdom, and the United States. Using an experiment called integrated spectral response (ISR), it is possible to determine the efficiency of each cell. In a laboratory solar cells have proven to be up to 26% efficient. In the real world, however, the efficiency can vary. The light spectrum is what determines the solar cells to be used in a certain area. In order to decide which solar cell is best, the light used must be filtered by using IRS. The cell must also be hooked up to a spectrophotometer. A spectrophotometer measures the wavelength that is used by the solar cell. In an experiment done in Cairo, Egypt the procedure above was followed. The conclusion was that the monocrystalline cell from the United States was the most efficient cell. However, due to the price of this cell it would be better to use more polycrystalline cells made in Germany. Also determined by the experiment was the fact that humidity changes the efficiency of the cells. In a desert climate the US cell was the most effective. In the presence of moisture the German cell was the most efficient (Shaltout, etc). Photovoltaic cells are a great template for current solar panels. However, solar panels take 15 years to get back the energy it took to make them. This is not a very sustainable design. So it is not the only technology being developed.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Economic and Political Conduct

The policy of any country or individual or group of individuals to conduct business and induce growth in the GDP is known as its economic conduct- it has global impact by way of international trade, foreign exchange and fiscal policies too. Nowadays economic policies are increasingly governed and shaped by global factors and imperatives.So the overall situation is dynamic and ever changing Political conduct essentially means what ideologies determine the policies and the leadership of any country, and how the representatives who form the leadership or Government interpret the ideologies and run the country- e.g. democracy, monarchy, communist state, fascism, etc. Political conduct determines loyalties and groups, collective developmental activities and global initiatives, and the overall growth of a country or state. Existentialism Defines the thought processes of those who believe and profess that it is we ourselves who create the essence and raison d etre in our lives, and not peop le above us or before us, or religious dogmas or deities. It is a school of thought which believes in finding things out in its own way, and do not believe in traditions, or what is already there and proved.They refuse to conform to any one school of thought. Existentialists like to set out and find their own way. They believe that there is surely a reason to exist and that existence precedes consciousness. Some of them even think that the concept of having a God is obsolete- that’s not what they need! As a result of the wide approach, they seldom agree with each other as well on various things. But they all seek a meaning in their lives by their beliefs in existence. Jean Paul Sartre was an existentialist. (you could read more through Googlesearch)Machiavellian Politics. Machiavelli a political thinker propounded the view that the ‘ends justifies the means’- so if you have used arbitrary or unacceptable means and achieved whatever you had set out to achieve, in his view, it is justified. As long as the end result is in the interest of the majority of the people, its fine. This form of politics is not very ethical, in fact quite radical, often used by the very ambitious, and quite often successful! It has an element of shrewdness and negative connotation. Not very favourable with the conservatives.You could go to the Net and read his book ‘The Prince’ in its translated version. Platonic Justice In his book, The Republic, written in 360 BC, Greek philosopher Plato has defined every conduct and every action required to govern a country. In short, the elements which contributed to creating and running of an effective Government at that point in time are all defined by him. It is another matter that over the centuries, transformations have happened, and though the basic aspiration of the government (to take care of its citizens/ public) stays the same, the rules of the game have changed dramatically.Platonic justice is the name giv en to his version of justice, as also propounded by Socrates before him- how a shoemaker must continue being a shoemaker because it is only fair that he does what he is good at, etc. (Please Googlesearch ‘The Republic by Plato’ and read on the Net for more) Monetarism Milton Friedman, the father of Monetarism, says that money supply (the amount of money in any economy at a given point in time) is the chief determinant of the level of economic activity at that point in time, especially with regards to the demand side.Simply put, the purchasing power of money is the prime mover. Monetarism is pretty much what we see today†¦though it has its origins in the oldest classical version of economic theory. (explains what we have stated in the research on flat world- the base maybe the same old theory, but the changing paradigms have rendered the theories very different from what they originally were- have improvised, built upon them to make them relevant to the current scen ario. And the current scenario is determined by those who need, not by those who offer- it is a buyers market.) Capitalism Capitalism is a form of liberal economic policy and governance where private entrepreneurship is given priority over government intervention in economic activity (all activities which contribute to a country’s GDP), because it has been seen and believed that private sector tends to be more progressive and efficient as a result of ensuing competition- each capitalist entrepreneur tries to be better than his competitor because that way he can earn higher profits, have a higher market cap, and prosper better.US is one of the very early capitalist countries, which explains the leadership position, while other countries were still being conservative and trying out a mixed economy model, or a communistic model. Communism Communism is a political term used to describe the ideologies of Karl Marx, the father of Communism. He firmly believed that the state or coun try should be run totally by the government, where everyone is equal- there is no blue collar and white collar demarcation and there is no private sector or capitalist aspirations.The Government is supreme and all people are equal in the eyes of the government. ‘From each according to his ability to each according to his need’ was his rule for governance. We owe May Day to Communism- it is Labour Day. His famous words: â€Å"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains- you have a world to win! † You could read his treatise ‘Das Kapital’(translated version) – its available quite easily. Communist ideologies are exactly the opposite of Capitalist thinking.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Apollo 11

What exactly was Apollo 11? Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that allowed the first men to land on the moon. The ship landed on the moon on June 20th, 1969, and is considered to be the greatest accomplishment in exploring history for mankind. The ship was launched in Florida on June 16th and was the third mission in NASA’s Apollo program. And by June 21st, Neil Armstrong and his crew were the first men in history to walk on the moon. The crew returned home with 47. 5 pounds of lunar rocks for scientist here to study about the lunar surface. The main purpose of this mission was to beat the Soviet Union in the space race, or race to the moon, and was fulfilled to John F. Kennedy’s expectations. He was quoted saying in front of congress, â€Å"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. † And he proved to the public that America was still the leader in science, and could out do enemies of the United States. In the time period before the Apollo mission, when it was still on the drawing board, the government was pouring billions of dollars into the education system, especially into math and science so that the engineers coming into the space program at NASA would already have a head start. This is relevant to today, because the government is desperately trying to raise America’s math and science test scores so that we can compete with scores of other countries like China and Korea. The crew of the Apollo 11 consisted of 3 men. Neil Armstrong (Commander), Michael Collins (Command Module Pilot), and Edwin Aldrin Jr. (Lunar Module Pilot). All these men had been on space flights before making the Apollo 11 only the second all veteran crew in spaceflight history. Thousands of people crowded along the launch site to view the take off, but millions of people viewed the launch from the comfort of their homes on the television. The Saturn V rocket launched Apollo 11 into space, and 12 minutes later it had already entered orbit. The craft landed on the Moon in an area known as the Sea Of Tranquility. The astronauts could study the landing site by looking out of the Eagle’s triangular mirrors which gave them a 60 degree view. That’s how they planned out where to place the EASEP or Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package, and the famous United States flag. Contrary to what you would think, the astronauts stated that moving around on the moon was no problem at all, considering that the gravity on the moon is 1/6 the gravity here on Earth. After the planting of the flag, the crew took part in a â€Å"long distance phone call† with President Nixon in the White House. Nixon referred to the call as, â€Å"The Most Historic Phone Call Ever Made From The White House. † Nixon then gave a brief speech and then hung up because he wanted to give respect to Kennedy and allow the lunar mission to be his legacy. The landing on the moon changed the populations perception of the universe, it also gave U. S. citizens a sense of superiority over all the other countries in the world. It showed that if you work hard enough then you can’t be tied down by boundaries.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Women and the Front Line of Combat Essays

Women and the Front Line of Combat Essays Women and the Front Line of Combat Essay Women and the Front Line of Combat Essay Although recent changes in human rights and equality have definitely focused on being new roles for women in todays modern workforce females are now being fully integrated into professions that have traditionally been associated with being composed completely of men the fact remains that there are still many factors and variables that must be considered before we are able to completely resigned to the fact that in the workplace, as in everything else, women should also be able to perform and fulfill the duties of men and vice versa. This research paper brings forward the argument that women should not be taken in the front lines of combat. And though this argument may be seen as a further social obstruction in treating many women equally, it nevertheless is for this argument from a non-biased perspective, and will be using irrelevant research and peer review journals in order to defend   its proposition.Why is it, now that the question has been raised, ha ve women never been associated with fighting in the front lines of combat? In order to answer this question, the most important factor to take into consideration is the historical context in which this analysis from. Remember that the society we are living in today is a patriarchal society ever since the era of colonization and the spread of Western thought. From ancient Greece, and even as far back in Mesopotamia, and fast forward into the future of modern times, women have never been associated to combat simply because theyre contextual roles in society have always been purely in-home management and domestic responsibilities. At first, this concept they not be so easy to grasp.However, one must also take into consideration that there are other individual members in society which have at least because of historical context accident been associated to specific duties. For example, children below the age of 18, whether they are men or women, have always been associated to play, hom e responsibilities, and recently, education. On the other hand, individuals above the age of 50 or taking that argument further in the age of retirement when taken from the modern point of view had been associated with care and also staying at home or special care facilities.   Some may argue that the reason women had been separated from specific duties and responsibilities is because of discrimination of society. However, taking such an occurrence in context and from that point of view of comparison to other roles, we see that there is actually a logical framework for such events.For example, relevant research and area of study have shown that women have intrinsically different biological structures and physical characteristics from that of men. Women, from the point of view of biology, have been proven by those in the medical community to have a harder time developing their muscle structures as compared to the speed of which men could be to do so. In fact, being in the front l ine of conflict itself requires that individuals have that specific biological and physical structure because the needs and requirements of the job. Also, research in the same area and arguments of biology reflects that the action and reaction of muscles of women are significantly different from men (Kimura, 2002). However, this is not to say that one sex and gender is better than the other.In fact, there is a difference and complements scheme adapted to the specific responsibilities and evolution of human beings between men and women with respect to such reactions. For example, biological anthropologists have shown that men have developed more acute senses in the area of the upper torso in such researchers have theorized that this is because of the need for protection in hunting. On the other hand, the same acute and sturdy muscle developments have been pointed out in women from the lower torso downwards muscles that are important in walking, giving birth, and other duties   ac tivities that require legwork. The history and evolution of human conflict cannot be changed, and one argument that this paper brings forward on why women should not be taken to the front-line combat because of the intrinsic difference in biology and physical structures from that of men who are well-suited for such area of concentration.Yet another evidence that is important to defend the argument of this paper is that researchers have discovered that the primary brain structure and thought process of women are significantly different from that of men (Kimura, 2002). Recent neurological experiments have shown that the right hemisphere of women, in development, significantly grows at a faster rate than men from the age of eight upwards. This reflects the primary ability of women to do focused tasks, while allowing men to have multitasking capabilities. And although this is not a consistency in all respondents and members of the sample size to research, it still shows a real world ex ample of why contextual and historical events have led to women not being in the front-line conflict. Especially in ground-level combat where in focus operations are required for the brain, the ancient acquiring of the brain structure of women are not suitable for such events. In fact, it is a well-documented fact that although men do indeed operate in the front-line combat, because of the integration of modern technology and tactical machinery into warfare and conflict, women are being integrated into the military but in locations where they could be more effective such as distance operation facilitation for telecommunication and computers, tactical planning and logistics, and even the design of overall planning programs for future military personnel. Remember that the argument is that women should not be in the front-line combat, but even this paper accepts the fact that women could be more effective depending on the job and responsibility which has been assigned to them. If, once definition of front lines include dose of modern military duties which include tactical operations from distance facilities, then it would be a much different argument. However, the basic definition of the front-line of combat are those associated with ground assaults, and, after this relevant research implies, efficiency may be associated to women in the military but from a different framework and approach.Another argument that this paper puts forward now deviates from biology but rather focuses on historical and contextual social norms. Although we recognize the fact that training and education of women in todays world have significantly changed over the years, it still remains a fact that there is a unspoken social conventions that women, in their basis for responsibility, should be focused on domestic tasks and tasks which do not require high physical exposure (Neiberg, 2001). Result, there is a so-called generational training gap of education and development. This education ga p creates a generation of men and women whose training, education, and mental development are specifically adapted to the responsibilities they were trained to do. If indeed women should be driven to the front lines of combat conflict, then we should not be able to expect the current generation to easily adapt to such responsibilities because the training and they received their early years has not been adapted for this specific task. Instead, stretching the argument further, if we were to want women to play a greater role in the front lines of combat, then the training and education should start from today in order to create a next generation of women whose tasks and mental schemas are adapted to that purpose. However, again, this would be extremely difficult because of conventions of society and cultural norms especially in the training and development of women in our age.Lastly, although we of course consider that death for both men and women are equal with respect to the weight and gravity especially in the perspective of warfare and conflict, we could not deny the fact that news articles that reports of death of women who had been taken into the front-line of combat significantly and greatly affects us even more from the news receive from the injury or death of a man (Beaumont, 2006). Perhaps the reason for this is the psychological effect that our culture has on the death of women in warfare because of their scarcity in that field. Also, women have the popular image in society to be frail individuals and we could not deny this fact. As a result, use of accidents and deaths something which could not be avoided especially in warfare and combat significantly affect society and may affect the judgment with respect to the tactical conditions and requirements of warfare (Coleman, n.d.).Such evidence and research provides brief but nevertheless solid arguments on why women should not be placed in the front-line combat.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities Character Carton Analysis Essay Example for Free

A Tale of Two Cities Character Carton Analysis Essay Character (1309) , Charles Dickens (378) , A Tale of Two Cities (24) , Sydney Carton (12) , Charles Darnay (9) , Lucie Manette (7) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? In the novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Sydney Carton’s character went through a series of decisions that affected the outcome of the novel. Sydney Carton looks almost looks exactly the same as Charles Darnay, but the main difference, was that Darnay was sober a majority of the time, and he cared and worked for his life. Lucie, the love of Carton’s life, had fallen in love with Darnay. After Carton realized that Lucie would have picked him if he hadn’t been so slavish and drunk a majority of the time, he decided to change. He knew he had already lost Lucie, but he thought that maybe he could still use the rest of his life for the better. His decision to change was not state out right, but the events in the novel, led the reader to the conclusion, that he turned around his life for Lucie. At the beginning of the novel, when Carton is first introduced, he is sitting in the courtroom staring at the ceiling. The author made it seem like Carton did not care what was going on in the courtroom, but later the reader discovers that Carton was listening to the case the entire time. Carton had heard a flaw in the prosecutor’s plan, and he gave a note to Stryver, resulting in an acquittal, which Stryver had received full credit. As the reader continues reading, it is later discovered that Carton is the hand guiding Stryver, while Stryver is just the image. Carton never did anything for himself; because he was too busy helping others. Later in the novel, Carton planned an almost full proof plan to help Charles Darnay. Even though he had made the decision to change, and think out a plan, he never lost the characteristic of putting others before himself. Although he took the place of the Darnay, before his death, he took it for Lucie. As Carton’s character is slowly unfolded throughout the second book, the reader can conclude that Carton dislikes Darnay. Carton dislikes Darnay, because Darnay is the constant reminder to Carton of what he could have been like, if he had not made bad choices in law school and made good choices in general. Whenever Carton came over to the Manette’s home, and was in the presence of Darnay, he was even more quiet then usual. However, when he decided to turn his life around, he buried his hatred for Darnay, and treated him with respect. Even with this decision, carton could not have Lucie, but she accepted him as part of her own family, and he was content with that. At the end of the novel, Carton takes time to plan out a five-step plan to save Darnay, and ends up sacrificing himself for a man he use to hate. Part of Carton’s old personality, was that he always wore his emotions on his sleeve. He thought he was useless and he lacked self-esteem. This was shown throughout the beginning of the book, for he was a drunk resembling his worthless life. He didn’t speak in the conversation unless it was a topic that he truly cared for. Right before his change, he professed his love to Lucie. After his change, he learned to hide his emotions. Although he may not like Darnay, he kept those feelings to himself. He stayed mysterious in Book III, in order for his plan to be successful and his appearance to be surprising. The character, Sydney Carton, was given a second chance as their life was resurrected. Lucie Manette is responsible for the resurrection of Sydney Carton, for she was the inspiration that got Sydney Carton off his feet. Carton twice saves Charles Darnay even though he disliked him. Carton described himself as a wasted creature but Lucy explained that she had faith in him and that he was capable of doing better things. He ended up promising that he would do anything for her, sacrificing his life for Charles Darnay. By hiding his emotions, he was able to carry out a plan without anyone attempting to stop him. Carton strived to become a better person and change his life around because Lucie believed in him. Because of the change in Carton, Darnay’s life is spared and Carton dies with dignity, knowing his life was not a waste. A Tale of Two Cities Character Carton Analysis. (2017, Feb 21).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organizational Behavior - How a successful Iranian based company like Research Paper

Organizational Behavior - How a successful Iranian based company like Hirbodan is surviving in tough times of sanctions against Iran - Research Paper Example Research will be taken to identify the measures taken by Hirbodan Company to succeed despite the difficult situation in the country (Griffin et al, 54). Hirbodan has an organization pattern that is well structured. The board of Directors are always at the top, middle level management, and then lower management (Griffin et al, 70). Due to this organizational structure, decision making and coordination of members within the organization is facilitated. Hirbodan Company mainly encourages its employees by using the theory Y used in management. The theory enables the employees to show commitment to the set goals and accept their responsibilities (Griffin et al, 75). International community especially the U.S has imposed sanctions on Iranian making the economy to suffer greatly (Owens et al, 92). Sanction imposed on the government of president Ahmedinejhad, include ban on Iranian oil, which is the backbone of Iranian economy. This affected several industries Hirbodan included. To worsen the situation President Amedinajhad’s plan on reforms on subsidy of 2010 removed subsidies on electricity and water affected industries (Griffin et al, 54). Iranian currency depreciated much making the cost of living rise and inflation skyrocketed (Colquitt et al, 128). The cost of running of a company turned high due to high cost of importing raw materials. The effects on Iran are adverse that companies are hoping for the best to have an enabling environment for investment. Hirbodan Rose against all odds and wage the storm, due to its strong foundation and the expertise offered by the founding professional (Colquitt et al, 253). It coordinated with companies in Engineering, procurement& construction to have its operations outside Iran. According to the research that was carried out in the company, the chairperson of the Hirbodan Company explained that the success of the company was mainly based on the definitive strategies and logical solutions to the firm problems (Owens